SGC23 Joint Venture, LLC.
Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCaTS) 8(a) Contract

Contract #: 47QREB21D0015

DUNS: 081069592

What is HCaTS

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA) formed a partnership to jointly award and administer a strategically sourced contract vehicle providing customized training and development services, customized human capital strategy services, and customized organizational performance improvement services to all Federal agencies. OPM offers high-quality products, and GSA provides government-wide cost savings and efficiencies through its federal strategic sourcing expertise. For complete information on HCaTS, visit the HCaTS PMO website at

HCaTS provides solutions across three key service areas (KSAs) as shown below.

Key Service Areas
KSA1 – Customized Training and Development Services
  1. Customized Training Services: Includes training that is developed and/or delivered to any Federal employee to enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities related to a specific title, series, and/or function on any subject matter, or general knowledge, skills, and abilities. Customized training services may also include, as part of the training.
  2. Customized Employee Development Services: Includes, but is not limited to, services provided to any Federal employee to develop and/or enhance their general, mission-specific, management, and/or leadership knowledge, skills and abilities. A service that is provided to any Federal employee to coach them throughout their transition(s) in the Federal government.

KSA2 – Customized Human Capital Strategy Services

The scope of KSA 2 is inclusive of, but not limited to, a broad range of human capital and human resources services. These services may include, as a part of talent management and human capital management, the following:

  1. HR strategy
  2. Organizational and position management
  3. Staff acquisition
  4. Performance management
  5. Compensation management (excluding payroll)
  6. HR Development
  7. Employee relations
  8. Labor relations
  9. Separation management

KSA3 – Customized Organizational Performance Improvement

The scope of 3 is inclusive of improved performance requiring changes in how people are organized around business processes, changes to the processes themselves and the tools created to support those processes, as well as changes in management practices. This key service area covers performance metrics, change management, strategic planning, facilitation, data analytics, business process improvement and reengineering, and organizational assessment and transformation.

  1. Streamlined ordering procedures through GSA
  2. Broad work scope that can include ancillary non-IT professional services
  3. Customer agency control of procurement and implementation
  4. Flexibility in procurement approach and use of “other direct costs” (ODC)
  5. Compensation management (excluding payroll)
  6. Limited number of pre-screened, expert contractors with proven successful performance
  7. Flexibility to use all contract types (FFP, T&M, CPFF, etc.)
  8. Pricing at the task order level
SGC23 Points of Contact
Mr. Dave Fall
Corporate Contracts Manager
703-961-1602 x 1150
Ms. Kelley Witmer
Corporate Program Manager
703-961-1602 x 1050
Click here to download a copy of the HCaTS 8(a) Contract (Sections A through J).